If you are familiar with the author’s first book, ‚The Other You!‘ or have tried to get to grips with the topic of healthy living, ‚Biohacking‘ will give you more detailed and consistent information about tuning body functions. You’ll learn how to unlock your body’s capabilities, how to prepare your body for change, how to adapt faster, and how to build a system to maintain high levels of physical and mental activity throughout your life. Valihan takes apart in order all the stages of adjustment: daily regimen, nutrition, physical preparation, mentality. He looks at the techniques of biohacking in working with nutrition, tells what vitamin and mineral deficiencies affect and how to support the body from within. Suggests exploring different types of physical activity, stressing that you don’t need to chase trends, you need to choose something you like. Talks about the effects of music and society, among other things. Another plus of this audiobook is the presentation of information in an accessible form. You do not need a medical degree to understand, for example, why you need to be diagnosed, what tests are worth taking, and what these indicators affect. The author talks about everything in clear language with examples from the world of fitness and his experience, and gives recommendations on how to use it. Biohacking is a set of tools, and you decide what to try and use next. But it is easy to decide: Valikhan from the very first lines infects with his desire to improve the quality of life and unobtrusively lays the idea of the upcoming changes. Anything is possible.
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Интеллектуальная литература / Intellectual Literature