Do you want to understand and engage more deeply with your dreams so that you can receive healing guidance? In these guided meditation practices, Kathleen Webster O’Malley leads you through a process of rememberingyourdreams, receiving profound insights, and understanding your shadows. You will use calming breathwork,empowering visualizations, andlife-transforming intentions.In the first guided practice, you sharpen your skill at dream recall and remembering your dreams. In the second meditation, exploring the wisdom tradition of the ancient Greeks, you will incubate your dreams for specific guidance in your life. In the third guided practice, you connect with your shadow self, processing deep emotional patterns so that you can fully understand yourself. And in the last meditation, your heart expands with compassion to heal yourself, your community, and the world. At the end of each meditation, you are encouraged to record the details of your experience in a dream journal,allowingyour dreams to unfold and inform your waking life. Track 1 Introduction Track 2 Dream Recall: Remembering Your Dream Track 3 Dream Incubation to Receive Guidance and Healing Track 4 Dream Wisdom: Reconnecting with Your Shadow Self Track 5 Dream Sharing: Our Shared Dream for Collective Healing
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Hay House Publishing