It was a long time ago is how all the best stories in the world begin, including ‚A Little World History,‘ written by the great historian and art historian Ernst Gombrich in 1936, when he was not yet a great man and had just become a historian. Instead of cramming his young or not-so-young reader with dates and facts, this fascinating audiobook will unfold before him a breathtaking panorama of human existence on planet Earth, from the Stone Age to the Atomic Age. Gombrich describes the wars and revolutions; the great works of art; scientific breakthroughs and dead ends that scientists reached. He is interested in everything from the invention of cave paintings to the fall of the Berlin Wall, and everything from Confucius to Churchill. Translated into dozens of languages, ‚A Small World History‘ is now out in Russian as well. Enjoy listening.
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Альпина нон-фикшн / Alpina Non-Fiction