Life consists of about 30,295 days. Most of them are weekdays. However, many of us simply live in anticipation of weekends. But if your goal is to live a better life, you need to learn to enjoy the days that are more in the week. And you can start enjoying it right from Monday, no matter how unbelievable it may seem to you now. Norwegian billionaire Petter A. Sturdalen shares with us his rules of life, which have made him one of the wealthiest and most progressive businessmen in Scandinavia. Petter A. Sturdalen’s rules are based on his extensive personal experience and have a lot to teach. Read them through, then try to apply them in everyday life, and quietly for yourself you will love even the gloomiest and gloomiest Mondays, as well as Tuesdays and other weekdays – for the great opportunities they open up to you, allowing you to fully discover and use your own abilities and the potential of those around you.
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Альпина Паблишер / Alpina Publisher