Program your subconscious mind for success and happiness as you sleep using the power of suggestion. Play this audio by acclaimed hypnotherapist Dick Sutphen at bedtime to rise above fear-based emotions and allow love to flow through you and from you. Experience six minutes of full-body relaxation followed by over an hour of paced and repeated suggestions. Each suggestion is designed to be assimilated naturally into your brain and lay the foundation for a resilient, abundant, joyful mindset. As you sink deeply into REM sleep, you will internalize positive messages like: You respond to others with unconditional love. Your thoughts are free of fear, guilt, and judgment. You are a channel for the light. You experience the light, become the light, radiate the light, and invoke the blessing of the Source of the light. You remain centered at all times: physically relaxed, emotionally calm, mentally focused, and spiritually aware. You manifest love. Wake up in the morning refreshed and with greater consciousness as you create a reality in which you really do live only love.
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Hay House