Do you feel that there should be more to sensual pleasure than what you are currently experiencing? Intimacy is not only pleasurable, but it is also a great way to enhance one’s emotional connection and communication with our partner. As with everything else, you need to allow yourself to open up to the possibility of experiencing passion more strongly. Thereafter, you need to feel it throughout your being and feel mildly electrified. In the Multiple Sensual Climaxes series, you will be guided to exercise your intimacy stamina until vigor grips you deeply and you feel recharged. The sensation of arousal becomes more pronounced the more you subconsciously allow it. As you progress through the session, you will feel lighter, as if harnessing energy from invisible sources. You will then magnify the same when the time and situation are just right. You will give of yourself to your partner beyond their expectations.
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Cosmo Media