‚Paul & Valentina‘ is a short love story. Paul is an American agent who works with the Milan cops at the Garibaldi police station. Valentina is a young ex beautician with a passion for hacking. Their love will play a key role in their race for immortality. ABSTRACT: ‚From her eyes, he knew immediately that she wouldn’t change her mind under any circumstances. The only thing he could do was to protect her, no matter how difficult it was. Unfortunately, even for an experienced cop like him, it was hard to keep track of a hacker like her. Even if her feelings for him prevented her from hiding more than she could, her life remained a mystery for Paul. And he preferred not to know, as long as she didn’t put herself in enough danger to make her target useless‘. Genre: Romantic Thriller. Spin off from the novel K4L, coming soon on October 19th, 2020.
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Tsuki Aoi Writer