PROGRAM YOUR BRAIN TO STOP SMOKING FOREVER The powerful assistance offered by this program will enable you to become a nonsmoker, once and for all. You will feel better, mentally and physically, before you know it! In track 1—Hypnosis Programming—you will be guided through a full-body relaxation, which takes you down to a level where your subconscious mind is open and receptive to positive suggestions. These suggestions will reach every level of your body and mind, helping you overcome your need to smoke. The impactful statements you will hear include: · You now lose all desire to smoke. · You are a nonsmoker. You are a nonsmoker. You are a nonsmoker. · You have the willpower to do anything you decide to do. · You now stop smoking. · Your good physical health is a primary concern. Then in track 2—Subliminal Programming—the same positive messaging will be relayed to you again, this time embedded in calming music. In this way, the suggestions you heard in track 1 will continue to be reinforced through this incredibly powerful mind-programming technique.
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Hay House