The book is voiced by artificial intelligence specifically designed to read audiobooks. To build a career as a manager in a large corporation is a dream of thousands of talented, ambitious people, but only a few become truly successful. Why is it possible for some, and others, despite all the efforts made, not? The author of the book, a top manager with huge experience, who now heads the Russian representative office of DELL, shares with the audience numerous secrets of how complex corporate mechanisms work. This audiobook is aimed at freeing the listener from many illusions about a manager’s career in an international company. The world of corporations works by the rules, it has its own internal logic of development, and it is important to understand this logic and learn how to manage their careers, using all available tools. A manager is a profession, and it needs and can be learned like any other, because it is almost impossible to find oneself at the top of the career ladder by accident.
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Альпина Паблишер / Alpina Publisher