Why is it so important that we think of us colleagues or relatives? Why do we constantly compare ourselves to others, but at the same time dream of standing out from the crowd? Why do we follow the news and do not get out of social networks? Angela Ahola, PhD in psychology from Sweden, believes that since time immemorial we have been driven by three motives: we seek to establish relationships, increase our status in the hierarchy and gain new knowledge. These needs, which long ago helped Homo sapiens to survive, are so strong that they determine our thoughts and behavior even when we are not aware of them. Dr. Ahola explains how to see the hidden motives behind your own and others‘ actions. This audiobook will teach you how to prioritize, realistically assess your strengths and weaknesses, show you how to plan your career, manage motivation, and take back control of the field of your own life.
Medium: Audio Books
Studio: Альпина Паблишер / Alpina Publisher